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Players Theatre of Southern Oaks

Pirates of Penzance: Audition Information 


Sunday, October 22, 6:00pm at Ezell Recreation Center


Tuesdays, October 24 & 31, 6:00pm at Aviary Recreation Center.


Pirates of Penzance – Brief Synopsis

Gilbert & Sullivan's classic rollicking pirate musical is set on the rocky seashore-coast of Cornwall where a hardy band of pirates have gathered, looking for treasure of any sort. As the pirates celebrate the supposed 21st birthday of their beloved Frederic, who was apprenticed to them as a child by his nurse who, being hard of hearing, had mistaken her master’s instructions, apprenticing the boy to a “pirate” instead of a “pilot.”  Supposing the completion of his indenture, Frederic rejoices that he has fulfilled his duty and is free to return to respectable society.  Alas, he learns that since he was born on February 29th in leap year, technically, going by birthdays, he has not actually reached his 21st birthday, and remains apprenticed to the pirates until his actual 21st birthday … several decades in the future. If that plot line does not grab you, rest assure, the rest of the show is nothing but fun and madcap adventures as the pirates are soon met by a bevy of beautiful girls, daughters of a Major General who knows nothing of military strategy. The stage is thus set for a magical romp as the pirates pursue the Major General's large family of beautiful daughters while the local timid constabulary attempt to stop the menacing evil. 


Through Gilbert & Sullivan's wonderfully gorgeous music, peppered with clever and witty lyrics, despite the somewhat loose appearance of a plot, the show is calculated to provide sufficient fodder for a fine evening of comedic entertainment to be enjoyed by all. 


Principal Roles in The Pirates of Penzance

Major-General Stanley (comic baritone)

The Pirate King (bass – baritone)

Frederic, a Pirate apprentice (tenor)

Samuel, the Pirate King’s lieutenant (baritone)

Sergeant of Police (bass)

Mabel,  Major-General Stanley’s daughter (soprano)

Ruth,  a piratical maid of all work (mezzo–contralto)

Edith,  Major-General Stanley’s daughter (mezzo)

Kate,  Major-General Stanley’s daughter (mezzo)

Isabel,  Major-General Stanley’s daughter (speaking role/chorus)


Ensemble (of some 10-15 singers/actors/movers)

Major-General Stanley’s daughters, chaperones, pirates, and police.


Specifically: We are looking to cast at least 21 actor/singer/movers

9 Pirates, 6 strong singers, 3 good movers

9 Daughters, 6 strong singers, 3 good movers

(the Pirate/Daughters movers will be double-cast as Police in 2nd Act)

PLUS Ruth, Major General, and Sergeant of Police


As needed, we may want to "supplement the cast with additional strong singers and "interesting" characters...


NOTE: This show is a fun show! We are looking for FUN characters... Naturally, singing is important in a musical (as Gilbert & Sullivan would agree), but there will be room to ADD those willing to share their non-singing "voices" enthusiastically and with spirit (without microphones, of course) as actors and movers (people who might do well "line-dancing" in the squares on a hot-crowded Friday night).



You will read (cold-read) selections from the script.


You may sing16-bars (a Capella) of a song of your choice... We will have a pianist on hand to play your song of choice. You may be asked to sing a small bit of a song from the show.


Accents? The show takes place in England. Americans are notorious for mimicking accents based on their favorite characters in films (James Bond, Harry Potter, Mary Poppins etc.). Let’s just say, for this art, our art, “correct” English accents are less important than sincere acting. If you want to “try” an accent, go for it. If not, that’s okay too. The important thing about speaking onstage in The Villages is that our audiences can hear and understand your words… and that is the goal we’ll aim for!


There is significant ensemble group-singing in the show. As such, everyone will participate in a small-group sing of “Happy Birthday”.  As time allows, we may try to teach you a selection of "Hail Poetry" from the show, in parts. YIKES! 

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